Why every University student should have a mentor?


College mentors can have a life-changing effect on a student’s future by empowering them with the guidance, confidence and skills necessary to succeed. A comprehensive 10-year study has proved that mentor-student relationships contribute hugely to overall student success.

Mentoring.org notes lists key ways in which mentors help students in their careers:

  1. Goal-Setting: Mentors assist college students in determining their career aspirations, and work with students to achieve them.
  2. Networking: Because mentors are often well-known and respected in their field and community, they can connect students with other professionals, internships and jobs.
  3. Broadening the Scope of Knowledge: Along with introducing students to professionals and opportunities in their chosen field, mentors equip students with new resources and organizations.
  4. Job-Seeking and Interview Skills: Mentors are able to simplify the often-overwhelming job-seeking and interview processes, and offer first-hand advice on how future graduates can stand out to potential employers.

What can you do @UWL RAK Branch campus to benefit from Mentors?

  1. Whenever you begin a new term, make it a point to learn more about your professors and teacher’s assistants.
  2. Introduce yourself to your professors and tell them why you’re interested in their class and ask them questions about the subject or for advice within your major.
  3. Meet them round the year and don’t cram your meetings just before finals or midterms.
  4. Discuss your strengths, areas for improvement and aspirations with them.
  5. Seek Career and employability advice regularly.

Note that it’s important to establish these relationships early on in your educational career to get in the habit of networking and benefiting from these bonds.

There are many ways in which you can improve your employability skills. The best and easiest way is to join us at the University of West London RAK Branch campus. We are respectfully called “The Career University” by the community as more than 98% of our graduates are in employment within 6 months of graduating.

Join us, gain impactful academic credentials as well as sought after employability skills.

Dr. Sangeeth Ibrahim

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