If we ask your Lecturers to describe you in 3 words, what would they say?


Yes. This is the right time to ask this question. You have been at UWL RAK for almost two months and by now, you would have, consciously or unconsciously established your personal brand. If we ask your Lecturers to describe you in 3 words, which category would they classify you under?

Category A

  • Shows initiative
  • Committed
  • Respectful
  • Involved and engaged
  • Diligent
  • Ambitious

Category B

  • Invisible
  • Disengaged
  • Distracted

Before answering, consider this. None of these attributes have anything to do with your previous track record or your technical aptitude. But they have a whole lot to do to with the attitude and behavior you have chosen to display, from the time you joined the University.

Why is answering this question important? Several studies show that the expectations “significant others” have from you will impact your real performance. So, if you have successfully created a good first impression, your environment will help you raise your standards further. And the opposite is equally true. Additionally, how you see yourself will become self-fulfilling prophecies. If you have a “Category B” self-image, then you will keep doing things that will keep you there.

So, ask yourself the question. And if your mind answers “Category B,” then do what is necessary to change course. You still have time to make the necessary changes that will make you successful. You still have time. Yes. But make it fast.

An effective behavior hack is to ask yourself every day- “Did I do my best today to be a Category A student?” if the answer is “So- So,” ask yourself “what could I have done differently?” Be your own coach, act on what your mind tells you and bingo!

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