The question under discussion is a crucial one, since most of us keep a good track of our health and body physically, yet there are a few to whom mental health is a top priority, that should be taken into a serious account, since it is not only essential for a healthy living, but in order for a society to function in a manner where every individual has the freedom of peace and harmony. Let’s take a look at every aspect of how mental health holds a significance in life of each and every individual, as well as the consequences, if it is being neglected.
Let’s begin with the first stage of life of a human being, the childhood, where a child is developing physically as well as mentally. Here observation is the key, since children observe everything around them, which includes, picking up new words, imitating actions of their adults, as a matter of fact, their adults, especially their guardians, are their role models. They are quite enthusiastic about life and everything it has to offer, as a result they prefer experience‐based learning. To sum up, these are the key milestones in the development of a child’s mindset and mentality, and it plays a major role in their learning and conduct. In order for a child to have the potential of behaving in accordance with their role in a society, the parents or their guardians should be very tolerant and affectionate, since children are naive and filled with curiosity, and every curiosity should be highlighted and acknowledged well. This will assure a child’s trust on their adult, hence will strengthen their bond with them, as well as provide the surety of counting on them through their ups and downs. Moreover, the parents should help the children explore their area of interest and should not stress them up regarding academics. Therefore, a child’s mental health should be prioritized quite well, for their better development and learning.
Now, coming to the second stage of an individual’s life, also known as the most crucial one, the adolescence. Labelling the following stage as crucial has a great correspondence with mental health, since it is the stage of life where an individual starts to sight the world in a more fundamental way, as they go through rapid hormonal changes. They have curiosity, emotions, desires as well as obstacles in life that they either prefer keeping within themselves or sharing it with people of their age and type, who might be able to perceive it better. Here every person in the home, family or outside, such as school friends and teachers play a vital role. At this age, individuals tend to be impulsive, therefore they need to have a more mature individual’s back, who also must be empathetic and compassionate towards them, especially through the obstacles of life they go through, every concern should be keenly considered, whether it is a family issue, friendship issue, school and academic issue or a relationship issue, and should be resolved with a better optimistic approach. In addition to this, they should be allowed to express themselves, and their passion should be encouraged. The following will result in a better mentally developed individual and will help them seek the right path that will lead to a beautiful destination. To achieve an adolescent’s trust every person in their life should follow the previously given advice, as it will light a new spark of optimism in them and let them view society in a more positive manner.
Once a person becomes a mature adult, stabilize mentally, since now they view things and life in a more responsible manner, although life still is a hill with many ups and downs that hold a great significance in how an individual functions in a society and identifies themselves. As a matter of opinion majority of individuals lack mental support, and factually each individual has a different psychology, hence they need a mental approach that will make them capable of coping up with the daily stress of their busy life, filled with responsibilities. This includes, college/university students, working individuals, who have a responsibility of earning, to provide for themselves or their families. For a blissful life, an individual can follow up certain strategies that can be quite beneficial for their mental health, these include; being available for one’s self, when they can focus on their health, explore their hobbies while they please themselves with it during their leisure and by interacting with people who share the same thoughts as them, and are reliable to let them express themselves. Although if one is going through some crisis, and is not able to cope up with it, they should seek help of someone reliable, sophisticated, and just believe in themselves being aware of the fact that battling this time will make them stronger and better.
Last but not the least, the old age, a part of life where an individual has gained quite an experience that can be worthwhile contribution to guide their younger ones. Although at this point of time, an individual tends to seek more attention and adoration of their close ones, therefore everyone around such people should be more tolerant and affectionate towards these people, like they should be towards a child, as old age is also referred to as the “second childhood” at certain times. Hence, being compassionate around old people will not only assure their mental health, but their physical health as well.
Considering the above scenario, it can be concluded that mental health is the key to successful, delightful, and healthy life, since mental health has a great influence on a person’s physical health as well, aid them with leading a better life and letting them identify as a valuable worthy individual. In my perspective, mental health today is a great necessity, as the world is developing with increasing advancement and demands for a better lifestyle, there have been huge impacts on every individual’s health, hence keeping your mind fit with your body should be a part of daily routine.
ABOUT THE AUTHOR Usman Bin Muhammad Ismail Student, BSc (Hons) Computer Science